The Hempire Co win GEP Rand West Startup Kit Pitch
The Hempire Co win the GEP Rand West Startup Kit competition and announce "InnovateUs"
Heita dah so, sharp fede?
Ah waitse, mnate ntwana.
The Gauteng Entreprenuership Propeller (GEP) hosted the Rand West leg of its annual startup kit competition initiative in Mogale city (Jhb west) midway the 1st half of 2019.
Calling all none registered entrepreneurs to come forth and pitch business ideas with a chance to win prizes, The Hempire Co stepped up to pitch a P.R and communications "InnovateUs" idea and came out one of the 40 winners from a pool of over 200 entries.
To see some of what happened, click the video above.
(Article written and edited by: A.P. Mogotsi)
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