"Oku Nol" to feature on TST4 Mixtape

Oku Nol to feature on the Str TV 4 4 Mixtape 

Weshe weshe,
re kaofela!!!

The Str TV mixtapes have always strived to break borders and connect HipHop heads across the globe regardless of race, gender, religion and any other thing that is used as a tool of separation. The 4th instalment of the tape carries on tradition debuting
 a Cameroonian emcee on the tape.

West Africa features for the 1st time on the tape with rising star "Oku Nol" featuring with his well received single "1000 churches".

Oku Nol is a pidgin English rapper from Akwaya and is signed under Beardgang and Akwayaboy ent.

A winner of the 2018 best upcomer category at the Tadyas Awards,
his hit single "1000 churches" was produced by Eno on the trk, mixed and mastered by Brino man.

(Article written and edited by A.P Mogotsi)


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